Learning The Language of God


Hi, Ali again, and in this blog I’m going to talk about how the Arabic Course is going for me.

So, I started the course in around September and it’s pretty unbelievable that I am now at the ability where I’ll be able to translate the Quran, given the vocabulary. I started by learning the basics, the types of sentences and what they are made from. I was also learning basic vocabulary from a series of books called Madina Islamic University, which I really recommend when learning Arabic. By the way,  as a tip when learning, even if you don’t have any homework, constantly revise what you have learnt and try and stay at least a chapter ahead of where you are at the moment, it really helps so you already have a rough idea of what’s going on when you go into your lesson.

As well as learning Arabic, I was and am learning about Sharia Laws, more specifically, the rules and laws of Fasting, and Zakat. These rules can be found in the book, Ta’leemul Haq, which can be bought from many Islamic bookshops. It is pretty much a necessity when going onto advanced studies in Islam. It covers a range of topics which are worth knowing about just in life generally.

So this is what I’ve done until now and in my next blog, I will talk about what I’m doing currently and my exams which are coming up.

Thanks and come back again to see my journey to my scholarship